Question: 1 / 150

The presence of pus during a treatment generally indicates what?

Allergy reaction


The presence of pus during a treatment typically indicates an infection. Pus is a thick fluid that accumulates at the site of inflammation, containing dead white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris. This often occurs as the body's immune response tries to fight off an infection, and the pus signifies that there is an ongoing battle between the immune system and pathogens. Recognizing pus as a sign of infection is crucial for estheticians because it serves as a warning that the area may require special attention, such as avoiding further treatment or needing appropriate medical intervention. Individuals with visible pus should usually be advised to consult with a healthcare professional to address the underlying infection, rather than proceeding with cosmetic procedures. This understanding ensures safe and effective care for clients in an esthetic practice.

Standard healing process

Unwanted dirt


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